Well regardless of your political viewpoint today was one of the most historic days in American history as the first African-American was elected to be President of the United States. I'll share openly that I didn't vote for Obama, but inactuality I almost didn't vote at all. An very non-partisan interview from Mike Huckabee from the day before the election was what ultimately found me in the voter's booth. However, I can recognize the significance of this for America and Americans as a people.
One of the hotly contested pre-inaugural topics was Pastor Rick Warren choosing to give the opening prayer (invocation) at the ceremony. Those in the liberal camp were upset over his support of California's Proposition 8 (banning gay marriage) and those in Christian circles were upset that Warren would even choose to associate himself with someone who is at the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of the "norm" for "Christian" politics.
This all saddened me. Firstly, because the same people who try to speak of tolerance towards people of other viewpoints were now coming down hard against someone who held a different view than them. It always amazes me how some of the "tolerant" can be so intolerant. We've been hearing all this time that President Obama's election is one that bridges gaps. If that's true, why are you trying to stop him from bridging one?
... but you know what really saddens me? The Christians who were up in arms over Warren's acceptance of this invitation. Why are we so upset? Rick Warren has been invited to ask God's blessing over our new president. Sure some of the policies he's bound to enact are probably going to be contradictory to our beliefs, but does that mean that we should refuse to pray or that any Christian (Warren or not) she refuse to offer God's blessing and guidance over the man as he is put into office?
Christians love to forsake things. I've been noticing this more and more in different areas, but it's definitely applicable here. We love to say "Nope. That's not for us" and cast it away. Isn't our God in the business of redemption? Aren't we His ambassadors? Are you seeing where this inevitably must lead us?
I'm not saying anyone should fall in love with Obama. We need to have a sober image and understanding of all our leaders (whether we agree with them or not). What I am saying is that neither Barack Obama nor this country can afford the people of God not praying for our new president.